Intelligent Automation

Intelligent automation (IA) is a technique to automate predefined repetitive testing tasks, using various test automation tools and testing scripts.

· Technology

Artificial Intelligence is a technique that enables a computer system to exhibit cognitive abilities and emulate human behavior based on pattern recognition, analysis, and learning derived from available data with the aid of predetermined rules and algorithms.

Machine learning and deep learning are two terms that are often used every time Artificial intelligence is discussed. People tend to use these interchangeably, however, there is a fundamental difference between them.

Understanding the fundamental difference between AI, ML, and DL

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Artificial intelligence is the superset of machine learning and deep learning.

Machine learning is a subset of AI which aids computer systems in learning and decision making without explicit human intervention. It works on pattern recognition technology and works with predefined algorithms to understand, learn, process, infer and predict, based on past data and new information. Its prime focus is to aid in decision-making. AI improves as ML improves.

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning, also called scalable machine learning. It helps machine learning algorithms by extracting zeta bytes of unstructured and unprocessed data from data sets.

What makes intelligent automation important in software testing

Test automation promised to revolutionize the world of testing when it was first perceived and implemented. It delivered on that promise by improving overall testing speed and results. However, as technologies and processes further evolved, there was a need for improving the testing process too.

If you want to understand the journey of the testing process from manual to AI era, then read our blog “Evolution of software testing”.

Automation eased the testing load, but it could not “think”. For instance, test automation can execute thousands of test cases and provide test results, but human intervention is needed when it comes to deciding which tests to run. Adding the dimension of intelligence can add analysis and decision-making capability to test automation.

Intelligent automation works on data like test results, testing metrics, test coverage analysis, etc., which can be extracted and utilized by AI / ML algorithms to identify and implement an improved test strategy for efficient testing.

As per the Gartner study, “By 2022, 40% of application development (AD) projects will use AI-enabled test set optimizers that build, maintain, run and optimize test assets”

Let us explore further how intelligently automating the testing process helps in improving overall QA operations.

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  • Higher level of test reliability with improved accuracy
  • In the era of DevOps with frequent and shorter development cycles, continuous testing is conducted for every minor/major change or a new feature. While test automation has helped a lot in reducing the testing burden, adding AI to automation can enhance the overall testing process, since it keeps evolving based on new information and analysis of past data. It also aids the teams in identifying the tests for better test coverage.
  • With intelligent automation tools doing a large portion of recurring tedious tasks, the developers and testers can focus on other aspects like exploratory testing and finding better automation solutions.
  • Improved risk profiling and mitigation with enhanced test result analysis

Intelligent automation renders the ability of risk profiling to testing.

Intelligent automation and analytics help the testing and development teams to have a better insight into the impact of code changes and risks associated with those changes. Appropriate actions can be taken based on these insights and issues can be intercepted much earlier

  • Deeper insights in test results and predictive analysis
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  • AI-infused tools can analyze and understand the test results, spot the flaws and suggest the workarounds. These tools constantly learn and update their knowledge base with every test cycle, based on test result analysis and apply that knowledge to improve software testing by detecting even minor changes and predicting the test outcome.
  • Improved defect traceability and prediction is a game-changer when it comes to optimizing the test strategies.
  • Boosts efficiency by transforming DevOps with benefits of AI Ops and QA Ops
  • To match pace with dynamic software testing demands, DevOps has to be augmented with the power of artificial intelligence. QA Ops have gained importance in the past few years and enabling it further by using intelligent automation will ensure faster time to market with better quality.
  • Faster delivery with improved results

Intelligent automation plays an important role in accelerating releases since it optimizes the whole testing process based on a comprehensive analysis of previous test results. Continuous testing for frequent changes can be time-consuming, but AI/ML expedites the whole process by identifying the right set of tests to be executed, thus saving a significant amount of time and resources.

Maximizing the benefits of test automation using Webomates Intelligent Automation solutions

Webomates provides intelligent automation solutions with intelligent analytics. It leverages the power of data processing, analysis, reasoning, and machine learning to provide an end-to-end testing solution for your business.

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  • elf-healing test cases

Agile development leads to frequent application updates. A good testing tool should be able to do the following:

  • Trace the changes to user stories/epics/requirements and update the tests accordingly.
  • Keep track of these changes while testing to ensure that nothing is broken.
  • In case of any issues, the involved teams should be notified on a priority basis and appropriate action should be taken.
  • Update the tests regularly based on the changes due to defect rectifications.

Webomates applies AI and ML algorithms to its self-healing test automation framework to dynamically understand the changes made to the application and modifies the testing scope accordingly.

Webomates’ AI codeless engine effortlessly modifies (heal) the test cases, scripts and re-executes them within the same test cycle. Healed test suites lead to faster testing and development, thus speeding up the entire release process.

  • Defect reporting, triaging and tracing

As stated in the previous section, defect tracking and tracing its source is an important analysis activity. It requires resources, time, and effort to conduct this exercise. Artificial Intelligence can help here by understanding and learning from software behavior.

Webomates CQ provides a detailed test report with triaged defects. The QA and development team can access these reports, thereby enabling them to intervene on time and take appropriate action.

Webomates’ Intelligent Analytics improvises your testing process by providing a continuous feedback loop of defects to requirements.

Our ingenious AI Test Package Analyzer identifies all the test cases which are impacted due to a defect and traces them to impacted user stories/epics/requirements to identify the exact origin of the defect. This aids in understanding the root cause of the issue.

The results of exploratory testing are analyzed by our test package analyzer. In case a module gets a high number of defects during exploratory testing, then it needs to be re-examined and more test cases need to be generated to cover all the possibilities.

  • Defect prediction based on test results

With defect rectification and tracing sorted, imagine if the testing tool can predict potential issues and suggest corrective actions. That is exactly what Webomates’ AI Defect Predictor and Creator does.

AI Defect Predictor helps in overcoming the challenges posed by false failures in automation. Consider an example, for 300 automated test cases with a failure rate of roughly 40%, the usual triaging time to identify false failures is around 12 hours. Using our tool, this time is reduced to just 3–4 hours. It not only differentiates true failures from false failures but also helps in creating a defect using the AI engine for True Failures.

  • Delivering value for money

There are multiple options for automated testing available in the market. Many service providers offer AI as a part of their testing package. It is important to make the right choice from a business, financial and technical perspective.

Webomates CQ is a financially and technically suitable option with the ability to scale up or down as per the customer requirement. We have a capable team of analysts and engineers to aid you along with the power of intelligent automation.

Intelligent automation (IA) is a technique to automate predefined repetitive testing tasks, using various test automation tools and testing scripts.

If this has piqued your interest and you want to know more, then please click here and schedule a demo. Partner with us and reach out at

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