Selenium Automation won’t get you to DevOps

Manual Testing is evergreen. However, the zest to expedite the testing process and reduce human intervention paved the way to Automation testing 20 years back and AI Automation is now becoming the need of the hour. Who doesn’t love continuous delivery? With an aim to achieve collaboration across teams, integrate customer feedback on the go, and target small but incremental rapid releases, more and more teams are going the Agile DevOps way. Continuous delivery is the ultimate goal, and Continuous testing is the way to achieve it. 

The 11th edition of the World Quality Report decodes the role of software quality in assuring business growth and outcomes. As per the report, test automation is the biggest bottleneck to deliver “Quality at Speed,” as it is an enabler of successful Agile and DevOps adoption.

Contribution to business growth and outcomes rated most important QA priority by IT and business

Continuous testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to obtain immediate feedback on the business risks associated with the latest build. 

It requires automated processes to achieve agility to build, test, release and deploy the software. Each build goes through Integration testing on the build server, Functional testing and regression testing on the test server, Deployment testing on the staging server. If the build passes, it advances to the next step. If it fails, it’s time to stop and fix the issue. 

How do you choose an automation tool for your team?

There are a plethora of open-source and commercial automation tools to choose from. You have IBM Rational Functional Tester, Test Project, Accelq to name a few. With such a broad range of tools available, organizations can find it daunting to choose the best one that conforms to their project requirements. However, Selenium is the most preferred tool. As per the HG Insights report, around 62,698 companies use Selenium. 

What is Selenium

Selenium is a free open source suite for automated testing for web applications across different browsers and platforms. Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. You can use multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, etc to create Selenium Test Scripts. Selenium Software is not just a single tool but a suite of software, each piece catering to different testing needs of an organization. 

Selenium is considered among the top tools for browser-based and cross-platform regression testing due to the following factors:

  • It’s an Open source framework
  • Provides Multi-Browser Support
  • Multi-Language and Multiplatform support capability
  • Parallel and fast test cases execution
  • Read for more
  •  : Selenium Automation
  • Webomates

 has integrated solution Webomates CQ which helps companies to test the Mobile app properly and with effectiveness