Shift left testing

The Goal of Shift Left Testing 

Have you ever experienced a project running into budget issues, schedule slippages and getting delayed due to some last moment defects? These issues are so common so the answer is, probably yes!

The need to implement large, business and customer critical systems in an environment driven by short timelines and tight budgets has led to a change in methods that deliver business value quickly. One such method is Shift-Left Testing.

It is 15 times costlier to fix defects in the test phase of a waterfall project because testing occurs later in the project development lifecycle.

IBM SYSTEM SCIENCE INSTITUTE REPORT  Relegating the entire testing to the last stage just before deployment is no longer feasible.

So, how do we fix this? The answer is simple — Shift Left your entire Testing!

According to Larry Smith — who coined the term Shift Left Testing — “Bugs are cheaper when caught young!” The Shift Left testing approach uses the ‘test early and often’ mantra to perform testing earlier in the life cycle (thereby moving left on the project timeline). The goal is to prevent defects and mitigate risks rather than deal with a whole load of bugs and critical issues post-development. Shift Left testing avoids cost overruns and project delays.

Do you really need to Shift-left your testing?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to all these questions, Shift left is the key!

  1. Do you want to automate different testing types like Unit Testing, 
  1. Do you want to start feature testing at an early stage to ensure quality releases?
  2. Do you want to 

detect defects early in the development lifecycle?

  1. Do you want a smaller and quicker feedback loop between the development and testing teams?
  2. Do you want to have maximum test coverage of your functionalities?

How can you Get Started With Shift Left Testing

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Shift left does more than just help teams find defects early. To shift left means a change in organizations culture.

Now let’s find out what your teams need to do to get started with shift left testing.

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  1. Identify & Plan the Testing Lifecycle
  2. Planning is an integral part of the shift left approach. Shift left works best when the Test analysts identify and plan the entire testing lifecycle before the start of the actual development process. This provides a strong starting point for all activities in the test lifecycle, and will help all business and operational stakeholders, developers and testers understand the tasks, objectives and expected outcome from the project.

Read for more click this link > Shift left testing

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