UI Testing Made Easy With AI

User Interface testing aka UI testing is used to verify and validate the GUI of a software application. It checks for functionality, performance, visual elements, user-friendliness, and compliance of the user interface with predefined standards.

Top 4 challenges in UI testing

UI testing is notorious to be known as challenging since the application design and functionality undergoes several changes during multiple sprints in agile development. For example, a minor change to the code or adjustment to data can render the test useless if the corresponding test script is not equipped to handle it. This leads to project delays and dissatisfied customers. Customers these days expect a high-performing, user-friendly, and high-quality product. Any lag due to testing can dent the reputation of the organization.

Our article lays down the top challenges faced while testing any UI and helps you in understanding how those can be addressed.

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  • Time Consuming
  • A software application can have complex visual elements like embedded charts/graphs/flowcharts, which are dynamically generated based on the input data. The dynamic nature of the visual elements, coupled with cross-browser testing, interspersed with performance and usability makes testing a time-consuming process. Another aspect to consider is the comparison of visual elements or images for size, colors, pixel variations, etc. While automation helps to some extent but any minuscule variation may lead to test failures.
  • High test maintenance

Software applications keep evolving in agile development, consequently, user interface keeps changing to cater to the changing requirements, functionalities, or defect rectifications. The test suite needs to be updated to match the pace of these changes, making it a highly time and effort-intensive activity.

  • Executing the right test cases

As stated in the previous point, test maintenance is a tough task. Additionally, choosing the right test case to execute is critical too for test optimization. But, with a growing number and evolving UI elements, it becomes increasingly difficult. There could be no direct change to the UI element, but changes done to the underlying code or data can impact a test case. Regression testing for a user interface becomes challenging with multiple changes over multiple sprints. We have covered this in detail in our blog “Test smarter, develop faster”. Do read it for a deeper insight.

  • ROI on test automation

Test automation has helped in saving a significant amount of time and effort, but it has its limitations, especially when false failures keep impeding the development velocity. This leads to the stakeholders questioning the ROI of test automation. Intelligent test automation addresses this issue. We have covered this in detail in the next section.

UI testing challenges addressed with Webomates AI testing solutions

Intelligent test automation and predictive analysis enable organizations in accelerating their DevOps process by introducing smarter decision-making capabilities and self-healing of the test suites.

Webomates CQ is an intelligent and matured AI-based testing solution that addresses the UI testing challenges and makes it a stress-free activity. We use a variety of UI Testing tools and the Galen framework for visual testing of applications.

  • Time-sensitive test execution plans

Webomates understand the sensitivity of project schedules. Our tool conducts testing as per the needs of our customers. Typically,

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